Thursday, April 2, 2015

I Want to be More Like Her

I had the privilege of meeting a beautiful, young lady a couple months back. She was helping backstage at a show my husband was doing.  She's friendly and a talker, so we hit it off right off the bat. :)

If you met Bailey, you'd notice pretty quickly that she isn't what most people would consider to be "normal". Some might call her "handicapped" or "special".  Yes...she's missing something that most people have.  A lot of things, actually.  Bitterness, sarcasm, jealousy, prejudice, envy, pride...these things mean nothing to Bailey. So many things that make us "normal"...things that make us behave (or misbehave) the way we do are simply not a part of her.

Instead, with Bailey, you get non-stop chatter. You'll hear about how whatever is going on at the time is the "best ever".  She'll talk about her favorite people...a lot! She'll tell you that you're pretty and how she looks forward to seeing you and talking to you.  She'll ask you questions about what's going on in your life...and if there's something bad going on (like a sick dog), she'll tell you she's going to pray about it.

Sometimes, Bailey will talk about other people in her life.  You may hear her describe someone was "more autistic than me" with such nonchalance, you'll look around to see if anyone is getting offended.  But this isn't a bad-word, or a put-down from Bailey.  It's a fact.  She sees the people around her as people...not as their disability, even though she knows it's there.

While she talks, you'll notice that she bounces from one foot to the other and her hands wave around as if she's part Italian.  Her face lights up with excitement as she talks and her words get faster and faster as she tries to share her joy with you.  And it works.

You can't help but smile as she talks.  And when you walk away, she'll have said something that makes you feel better...maybe about the situation, maybe about yourself, maybe about the world in general...but you WILL feel better.

The next time you see Bailey, you're going to get more of the same.  Whatever is going on NOW is the "best ever", she'll still talk about those favorite people and she'll tell you some of the same things she's already told you about them.  She'll still be smiling and excited and you'll still get wrapped up in her bubble of happiness.

Here's something that's a little different than what you might get with others...

She'll tell you she's been praying about whatever was going on before and ask how it is now. You may have even forgotten about the issue by now, but when you tell her it's resolved, you'll see the relief in her face. She'll bounce and smile and say, "yeah, I was praying about that"...and you'll know that she was.  And you'll know God was listening.