Monday, January 30, 2012

Here we go again...

Well, it's been a while...a long while.  I'm not even sure how people will find this...or if you'll even care to.  Back in the Myspace days (anyone remember those?), my blogs actually had a small following.  Facebook "notes" just aren't the same.  And I am. 

I'm here for a few reasons.  The first, is that I find writing therapeutic.  If you're a good dot-connector, you've already deduced that I've been without said "therapy" since Myspace days. :/  That's not good for anyone!

Secondly, I've actually had people suggest...and even request that I get back to writing!  And...since I love to anyway...I'm "complying". ;)

And lastly...I have a lot to say, dangit (and no one to listen)!  And so...we meet again (or maybe for the first time).  Welcome back...or aboard.  Feel free to leave long as they're nice and you never disagree with anything I say. =D  (ok...kidding.  But...I DO keep my stuff G-rated...cuz I'm oh so cool like, be sure that you do too!)

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